When our breath flows smoothly in, out and through our body, we experience balanced energy and health.
What is Pranayama?
- "Prana" is life force energy. "Yama" is to restrain or control.
- Pranayama is the Sanskrit word for the control or regulation of the breath.
- Pranayama is incredibly powerful but can be harmful when improperly executed.
- Different types of pranayama balance different things in our physical, mental and emotional bodies. For example, some pranayama practices create a cooling effect on the body, others a warming or heating effect.
There are many types of Pranayama, or yogic breathing practices, all with a myriad of benefits.
Some popular traditional practices are:
Some popular traditional practices are:
- Ujjayi (Victorious Breath) creates an anchor for awareness and cleanses the channels.
- Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) creates balance and calmness in your mind and body.
- Shitali (Cooling Breath) cools and calms your nervous system and can be especially helpful during the summer or any time you're feeling overheated.
- Bhastrika (Bellows Breath) helps to energize your body and clear your mind.
- Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath) will help to purify, rejuvenate and invigorate your mind and body.
Please note:
Pranayama is powerful and can create imbalance when performed incorrectly. Make sure to proceed slowly. It is best to work with a qualified practitioner to learn correct methods and to determine which styles are best for you. For those who are new to pranayama, I always recommend starting with Nadi Shodhana, as it is a very balancing pranayama technique. |
Learn more about the benefits of breathing exercises here.